Paris adopts fiscal year 2018 proposed budget


Sole Commissioner Lamar Paris

BLAIRSVILLE, Ga. – Sole Commissioner Lamar Paris convened the December commissioner’s meeting Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017, at 6 p.m. following the 2018 Budget hearing, which commenced at 5 p.m. at the Union County Court House. Laura Driscol, Union County Finance Director, was available at both the budget hearing and the commissioner’s meeting for questions. No comments were made at the budget hearing. Paris adopted the proposed budget at the commissioner’s meeting with Resolution R-2017-17.

Administration 487,270 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND
Building Maintenance 835,609 Revenues 1,384,353
Elections 161,197 Expenditures 1,384,353
Inspection 234,767
Tax Commissioner 327,033 Revenues 7,840,200
Tax Assessor 332,479 Expenditures 7,840,200
Risk Management 240,000
Gen. Government Bldgs and Plant 293,014 Revenues 2,663,535
Judicial Administration 3,500 Expenditures 2,663,535
Superior Court 122,500
Clerk of Superior Court 280,098 DEBT SERVICE
District Attorney 97,011 Revenues 1,464,150
Magistrate Court 193,590 Expenditures 1,464,150
Probate Court 234,873
Juvenile Court 184,500
Grand Jury 1,200
Public Defender 85,000
Sheriff 2,743,644
Jail 1,622,332
SRO 162,153
Animal Control 154,972
Coroner 33,282
Ambulance 300,000
Fire 1,148,800
Highways and Streets 1,229,389
Solid Waste and Recycling 62,200
Maintenance and Shop 134,698
Health 152,386
Welfare 25,000
Senior Citizens Center 171,491
Community Center 59,420
City of Blairsville/ UGH 135,000
Transportation Services 84,640 REVENUES
Drug Court 1,000 Taxes 10,853,319
Culture/Recreation Administration 47,100 Sales tax 3,310,000
Library 263,500 Licenses and Permits 312,100
Conservation Administration 77,833 Charges for Services 244,900
Development Authority 170,000 Intergovernmental Revenues 551,173
Agricultural Resources 46,514 Fines and Forfeitures 513,000
Forest Resources 5,355 Investment Income 38,000
Engineering Planning & Land Use 148,242 Contributions and Donations 5,000
Economic Development 52,000 Miscellaneous 726,600
Operating Transfers to Other Funds 3,400,000 Other Financing Sources 60,500


The commissioner adopted Resolution R-2017-15 authorizing the filing of an application with the Georgia Department of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation for a grant for public transportation assistance under Section 5311 of the Federal Transit Laws. He said the grant has historically paid for 40 to 45 percent of the cost of the Union County Transit System.

Resolution R-2017-16 was approved by Paris authorizing participation in the ACCG – Interlocal Risk Management Agency (IRMA) Supplemental Medical, Accident and Disability Fund for the purpose of providing coverage, by state law as of Jan. 1, 2018, for those risks imposed upon the county. This resolution, he said, authorizes him to sign a participation agreement with ACCG Insurance for the company to provide cancer insurance for all full-time and volunteer firefighters in Union County. The agreement, which Paris approved, between ACCG-IRMA and Union County for the county’s participation in the Firefighter’s Cancer Benefit Program will cost $12,225 per year.

Paris approved a notice to proceed for Stahlman-England Irrigation, Inc. to commence work in accordance with a contract dated Nov. 16, 2017, on Nov. 27, 2017. The work shall be completed on or before April 30, 2018.

A contract between Union County and Correctional Resource Group, a restaurant management and development firm located in McDonough, Georgia, to provide meals at the Union County Jail was approved by Paris. The contract meal price is guaranteed through Dec. 31, 2018. There is no increase in the meal price over last year. Paris said meals ran under $2 per unit.

The commissioner approved an amendment to the health services agreement between Union County and CorrectHealth Union, LLC to be effective Jan. 1, 2018, to Dec. 31, 2018. The contract price remains the same as last year at $12,279.84 per month. CorrectHealth Union, LLC manages the medical needs of inmates at the Union County Jail.

Out with the old, in with the new.

Paris approved a Business License for Rock Ridge Retreat, a cabin rental business located at 89 Flat Rock Ridge Road, Blairsville, Georgia. This is the only type of license issued in Union County, he said, for the purpose of collecting the hotel/motel tax.

In his commissioner’s comments, Paris remarked that the county made it through the first winter snow with a minimum of hardship and only one automobile accident with serious injuries. Paris also made mention of the retirement of the old courthouse video camera that uses VHS tapes and its replacement, a new digital video camera.

A question was raised regarding the cost to people who use the county transportation system. Paris responded that there had been no complaints about it, but if there were people who were financially strapped to use the system, they would need to contact Jenifer Queen at the Commissioner’s Office to see if some concession could be found. Queen said the fee to anyone who uses the system is $3 for the first mile and $0.25 per mile after that and that because state and federal funding is involved, the rules are very strict.

Another question was raised regarding the economic development of Union County, specifically, if any incentives were being offered to attract business to this area. Paris responded that it is still early in the recovery and nothing was being offered at this time. However, he said, Advanced Digital Cable is expanding their facility at the Industrial Park, doubling their square footage, so they can double their production. Also, he said, Advanced Corrugated Replacement will likely expand in the next year.


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