Georgia Congressional Redistricting Map approved by Georgia General Assembly: To be approved by Governor Brian Kemp
Featured Stories, News November 17, 2021 , by Emma Dunn
The Georgia General Assembly has approved a Congressional Redistricting Map.
It was reveled today and announced by both the State Senate and State House of Representatives Majority Caucuses.
David Ralston, Speaker for the Georgia General Assembly, addressed the announcement of the new congressional redistricting map.
“Today, we have released a proposed map that reflects Georgia’s growing, diverse population, respects jurisdictional lines and communities of interest, and conforms to applicable legal standards including the Voting Rights Act,” Ralston said.
The new map may bring controversy as the new redistricting favors republicans being drawn by a Republican majority. The previous map that was approved was also drawn by a Republican Majority and put in place in 2010, however it was immediately approved by the Department of Justice Attorney General, Eric Holder, who was appointed by Barrack Obama. This approval was necessary due to the Voting Rights Act. Whereas the last time the map was drawn by a democratic majority, was in 2001 and it was not immediately approved and had to be redrawn many times and sought approval in federal court.
The proposed map does include some major changes to some counties that have changed their district entirely.
According to a press release, Ralston said that the new proposed map would be more inclusive of a growing, diverse Georgia.
“Unlike the unconstitutional maps drawn by a Democratic Majority in 2001, we have sought to plan for Georgia’s future rather than cling to its past. And we have done so in a manner that has been thorough, transparent and inclusive. That process has already included 11 hearings, more than 20 hours of public testimony and an online portal that has received more than 1,000 comments,” Ralston said.
The proposed new Congressional Redistricting Map still has to go through Governor Brian Kemp for final approval.
Governor kemp has 40 days to approve the proposed map to put it into law.

The old Congressional District Map (left) versus the new proposed Congressional District Map (right).
Some of the major changes include Jackson, Madison, Elbert, Haralson, Clark, Dawson and Pickens counties.
Jackson, Madison, Elbert, used to be in the 9th district entirely. They have now been moved into the 10th district. Also, Clarke County used to be split between the 9th and 10th district and under the new proposed map, it would be entirely in the 10th as well.
Haralson has made a switch from the 14th district to the 3rd district, a large part of Gwinnett will also be a part of the 9th district, a district that includes much of Northeast Georgia.
Dawson County has also been moved out of the 9th district and into the 6th and Pickens County has been moved entirely into the 11th district.
Ralston issued a statement saying, “We look forward to reflecting the will of the people of Georgia as we complete our work.” - Citizen Journalists - A place to share “Your” work. Send us “Your” information or tips - 706.276.NEWs (6397) 706.889.9700 [email protected]
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